Gracias novato
Estoy decantandome por esa opción.
Ahora mismo estoy buscando información sobre el medallista que la hizo:
LAUFFER, LAZARUS GOTTLIEB (Germ.). Counter-manufacturer at
Nuremberg, 1660-1700. Ammon says that he was Mint-master
there in 1670, and Chief Mint- Warden of the district of Franconia.
Franks and Grueber call him " Medallist and Chief Warden of the
Mint at Nuremberg from 1670 to 1690 ", and add : " After this date
he appears to have gone to Vienna and to have worked in partner-
ship with Georg Hautsch ", a statnient which I have not been able
to confirm. It is evident that Geo. Hautsch contributed to the series
of medals issued by Lazarus Gottlieb Laufer and continued by his
son Caspar Gottlieb Laufer, at least from 1683 to 1712, but I can find
no record of Lazarus Gottlieb Laufer's leaving Nuremberg, nor that
there were two Lazarus Gottlieb Lauffer, as mentioned in MedalUc
JllustralimSy II, p, 730. I rather think that Lazarus Gottlieb Lauf-
fer's activity extended to the early part of the eighteenth century,
until about 1717, when his son succeeded him as Chief Warden of
the Mint.
All die medals enumerated niider C^ CJottlicb Liuiffer, struck
previous to 1717, were no doubt issued by tliis Medallist, who
employed several die-sinkers and probably cut many of the dies
His signature, which is usually L,G.L., occurs on many counters,
among which I may mention: Marriage of Charles II. and Catharine
(signed : L. C.: LAVF. RECW. (illustrated); —Do, with bust of Charles II. (signed on 1^. LAZA ; GOTTL ; LAVFFERS REICH-PFEKN-
ING'COUNTERS) ; Coronatloii of James II., 1685 (sev. var.);
— Coronation of Williapii III., 1689 (several varieties, one engraved
byG. Hautsch, others signed: L.G.L.R,; — LAZ. GOTTL. LAVFER,&c.);
— William and IVlary, 1689 (scv. var.); — The Church ol England
preserved (obv, Bust of Queen Anne, several varieties); —
Louis XIV. (sev. var., Neumann n"' 32407-13), &;c.
Lazarus Gottlieb l.aufFer is said to have introduced at Nuremberg
the coining-press, which was then already in use in France and
BiHLiOGHAPiiY. — Amnion, op. cit. — Franks and Grucber, op. cit.